Saturday, April 14, 2018

Always Watching

Okay, here we go! I hope you enjoy my film opening Always Watching!! A special thanks to Alicia Cordon, Jesus Santana, and Jonathan Casaverde for acting in my film opening and Juan Fernandez for helping me come up with the idea of the psychiatrist's office.

Creative Critical Reflection or CCR

So, this just so happens to be my second to last posting and I'm extremely saddened by this. I hope everyone enjoyed my blog about my film opening Always Watching, but alas the time has come to say goodbye to this project. Here is the link to my CCR and thank you for staying tuned!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Finished editing

Wow! I am done editing my film opening, and if I do say so myself, it turned out pretty amazing. I decided to show it to my friends in my AICE Media class and to my friends in the A level class and they all really liked it and thought it looked really good. At one point iMovie was lagging and decided to have the audio lag behind the visual part of the clips, even though the audio was recorded with the film. It actually terrified me because I thought that I had messed up the file or the file was corrupt, but thank goodness that was not the case.

Anyway, I am filming and editing my Critical Creative Reflection (CCR) and then after that I'll be all done. It's crazy to think that this project is almost over. I feel as though I just started the project yesterday. There have been so many ups and downs at this point and it was a crazy ride. I have to say I am thankful that I chose to do a film opening because it helped hone my skills as an editor and director.

Stay tuned because this Saturday I am posting both my CCR and my film opening!!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Project due date fast approaching

Hello, everyone! I hope everyone is having an amazing Sunday so far. As April 14th is getting closer and closer, I grow more excited but also more nervous to have my final project be viewed. I'm getting closer with finishing the editing. I'm now working on my CCR script so that when I complete it, I can film it and edit it and be done.

Looking back from and almost finished perspective, this entire project so far has taught me so much. From better time management, to having to think on my feet, this project has tested my ability to complete something major in a decent amount of time. Throughout high school there have been major projects that I've had to complete, but nothing like this. I have to say this has been one of the most fun experiences I've had associated with a school project.

I can 100% say that when this project ends I'm going to miss it. Anyway, with the music aspect of editing, I still have the option of using some of my own created music, but I decided for time purposes that I'd use Killer Tracks because I lost a lot of time when I lost my actor.

To help with the subconscious notion that Kane has a cold emotionless power over Noah, I was playing around and increased the contrast in the flashback clips. Which definitely helps the dark contrast and makes Kane look more evil, especially because of the shadow cast across his face throughout the flashbacks. Then with the contrast between the filtered flashbacks and unfiltered regular-time clips shows the manipulation that Kane holds over those around him, convincing them that he's getting better when he's not. Since, the audience knows the truth about Kane's manipulation over the people who think he's getting better it creating dramatic irony.

To the right is a screenshot of a close-up shot of part of my film opening. I'm using this as an example to show the kind of blue toned filter I'm using, along with the increased contrast.

Either way, I'm excited to finish the project and have people see it. I just hope everyone likes it as much as I do. I'm trying to make my CCR as interesting as possible, so that people don't get bored watching it.

Until next time!!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Creating my own music

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all having a good day. So, recently I've been trying to create my own music for my film opening with Garageband. It took me about an hour to figure out how to just work Garageband. After figuring it out, however, I was playing around and having fun with it.

Yet, I can't figure out if I want to create something that is higher pitched or lower pitched. Higher pitched makes me think of a more eerie type of music. Yet, lower pitched music makes me think of impending doom, so possibly I'll do something with both lower and higher pitched music. Also, I decided to use string instruments to create the music because I believe it makes it more suspenseful.

When the film opening has cut aways to Kane's flashbacks that's when the eerie music will play, and worst case scenario if it doesn't turn out well I could always use a track from Killer Tracks.

Also, for editing I decided that I wanted to make the flashbacks a colder darker filter than the regular color tone. By doing this I hope it subliminally makes the audience think of these flashbacks as a dark, cold, emotionless time associated with Kane. Thus, making him seem more scary and deadly.

As the due date for the project approaches, I get more and more nervous. Even though I'm putting in my best effort, I'm still slightly scared that my film opening won't be entirely liked, but I like it and that's all that matters.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Second and last day of filming... done!

Extreme excitement doesn't begin to describe what I'm feeling about how the filming turned out. I got some amazing shots that definitely show the creepy murderous vibe I was going for for Kane's character, and with the addition of music and editing it's going to be great. I can now send myself the videos and continue the editing on my laptop.

 I plan to use a lot of quick cuts and low angles to create the sense of power that Kane has over Noah. It's essential to my film's creepiness level that I make Kane a secretive yet powerful character in order to reveal how he's manipulated those around him and has everyone under a false sense of security. I wasn't able to do the color scheme I wanted for Noah, but the dark color scheme worked out for Kane. My actor wore dark pants and dark shirts for filming which was perfect.

At one point when filming, everyone was laughing so much it was actually hard to film. Overall, I think filming has been my favorite part of the whole portfolio project. It was interesting with new twists and turns around the corner. For one of the shots I needed a mirror shot, so I stood behind the door and used the door to block me and the phone from being seen in the background of the mirror. Also, my bathroom had a dimmer for the light, which was absolutely perfect for creating the low key lighting I needed. I hadn't even thought about it and when I remembered it was pretty much the best thing ever.

This Friday we're doing another group session in which we help each other and critic each other's projects. I'm looking forward to see how people react to my film opening and get feedback to make it better. The last group meeting helped me so much, and actually gave me the idea on how to put everything I needed to put into the film to make it make sense into the opening.

Well, I'm going to continue making my masterpiece, but stay tuned to see how everything goes in the final 2 weeks, and eventually see my final project!!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Second day of filming

Tomorrow, Monday April 2nd, I am filming the final parts for my film opening. I'm very excited although still very stressed because of my very large setback. I'm going to be filming with all my actors tomorrow and getting the rest of the footage that I need. I cast my friend as Noah, his name is Jonathan Casaverde. He has a stronger build, which would be perfect as a pretend football player. Also, he's very dramatic, so I'm sure he'll be able to react accordingly to the parts that I'm filming.

As for the editing so far, it's going pretty well. I'm working fairly quickly so that when I get the new footage I'm able to edit that in quickly. I was thinking for sound elements, I'm obviously going to use the diegetic sounds from the video, but also I was thinking of playing around with garage band to create some eerie music for my film opening. Especially, since I need original music for my film opening.

Some time ago, I figured out that my closet door makes a creaking sound when it opens and closes, which is perfect for that creepy door opening. I can definitely utilize this to help create that mysterious eerie effect I'm going for in my film opening. Looking back on everything that has passed so far with the project, I think I've done everything to the best of my ability. Sure, there have been some setbacks and some rough patches with the whole process, but I'm extremely excited to finish creating my film opening and to see what I have created.

Either way tomorrow, I'm going to be filming the parts with both Noah and Kane, which are the parts that are going to bring in the horror aspect to the film and make it seem scarier that normal. I can't wait to see how tomorrow turns out and can't wait to update my blog post with all the details of the filming!