Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Okay, wow! These past few weeks have been crazy. With third quarter about to end, everyone is rushing around trying to get everything done. It's been very stressful, but I'm so excited because I have confirmed with my actor that is going to be playing Kane, AND I have finished my storyboard. My actor's name who is going to play Kane, is Santiago Gomez and he's part of the drama department at my school. When looking for my actor I asked for the recommendation from people I knew in the drama department about who would be good at playing a stalker. I'm so excited to be working with him on my film opening.

Now before I show you the storyboard, I must admit... I can't draw to save my life. I am so sorry in advance because it may look messy, but not because I didn't take my time, I just suck at drawing. Even with stick figures.

I made a few changes to the plot, instead of Kane being sent to the psychiatrist before everything that happens he's going to be sent in the middle of everything that's happening. Basically, as Kane is telling the story to his psychiatrist, scenes are going to be playing out as he describes them, but then when he finishes telling her the story meets up with real time. So, for a good portion, of my non-existent movie for my film opening, and the entirety of my film opening it will take place in flashback/story telling form.

Anyway, I know people are here to see my wonderfully artistic masterpiece* and I will now show you in 3... 2... 1...

*I'm so sorry, the drawing is terrible, also sorry about the shadow it didn't look like that on my phone.

Either way my storyboard although rough around the edges, is going to help me so much when I start filming next week because it'll remind me of the vision that I have laid out for the film opening. Also, if I get stuck when filming about what to do next, I can just pull out my storyboard and be instantly reminded. Which is so useful and I think it's close to being the most essential tool when planning anything you want to film.

Stay tuned because my next post I'm going to be talking about my research for how I'm making my script!!

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